Nina Xiang speaks at AmCham’s Annual Tech & Innovation Summit

Nina Xiang speaks at the 4th annual, completely online Tech & Innovation Summit organized by the American Chamber of Commerce. It centers around the theme, “Creating business value in the China ecosystem”.

In 2021, technology is dramatically widening profitability and performance gaps between companies across the competitive landscape. Today’s tech-driven business strategies increasingly call for an end-to-end ecosystem strategy, but this is challenging both globally and in the evolving China market.

Nina Xiang was featured by AmCham China Quarterly

Nina Xiang was featured by AmCham China Quarterly, with a feature article titled: Past Is Prologue: Evaluating the US-China Tech war Through the Lens of Time.

The AmCham China Quarterly spoke to Nina Xiang, author of “China: US-China Tech War: What Chinese Tech History Reveals About Future Tech Rivalry”, about the current US-China tech environment, the history of how we got to this point, and what happens next.

You can read the article here:

Nina Xiang Speaks at the Seven Continents-View on AI

Nina Xiang speaks at the Seven Continents-View on AI: There is clearly no one-size-fits-all when it comes to anything in life.

That applies to the reasons for the development, adoption, and integration of cognitive technologies as well – be that across teams, organisations, industries, countries and even continents.